In english

Libraries' offers and activities.

All 4 libraries have personal computers and WI-fi acces and you can scan for free and you can print and make copies for a small fee.

When registered as a library user it is possible to access the online resources of the libary for free. E.g. PressReader, Ebooks and online audiobooks and journals in English by using the App called Libby (eReolen Global). Libby contains both non-fiction, fiction and childrens litterature.


Is it free? 

Yes, It is free to use the library and you can always get advise on how to use it.

How do you register as a library user?

  • Adults can sign up for the library's website using their social security number and MitID. Or they can come up to the counter and get help from the staff. In that case you need to have photo identification and your Danish yellow health insurance card or passport. If you only have your passport we can make you a library card if you pay a deposit.
  • In the case of children, we require that there is an adult who is financially responsible for the child's use of the libary. They can also registrer on the library's website or at the children's library counter .

What can you borrow from the library?

Books: both physical books and e-books, games, movies, music, a Blood Pressure Monitor and magazines.

In addition, the library offers access to a number of online offers. For example, eReolen, which is online books and dictionaries , and the language course Transparent Language Online. That works best if you start on a pc. You can also download Transparent Language Online as an app and use it for free with your library login. If it is difficult to get it to work, then come into the library and get help from the librarian. As a rule, you must be able to speak English, Turkish or Spanish to use Transparent Language Online. 

For how long and how much can you borrow?

When a registered library user, you may take a book home for 31 days and then return it to any one of the librarys in the municipality of Frederikssund.

If you hand them in too late or have destroyed them, you will get a fee.

There are no restrictions on how much you can borrow.

What is the atmosphere like in the library?

The atmosphere is quiet but relaxed. We do not talk loudly on the phone at the library, as it bothers the other visitors.

Overall we show consideration for each other.

Does the library have Ukranian books?

Frederikssund Libraries has obtained a collection of books that are assumed to be relevant for Ukrainians in Denmark. These books are written in Russian, as the library is informed that many Ukrainians read in Russian. For Ukrainian refugees who want a library card, there is no requirement to pay a deposit.